Locus Project @ Second Life

We proudly present our latest project, the 4-sim region of Amiais, currently online and fully visitable in Second Life

LOCUS PROJECT is an iteration of the original project LOCUS – PlayfuL cOnneCted rUral territorieS: The Internet of Things in the intergenerational Creative production of cultural georeferenced contents, a multi-year research project of the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, developing technological solutions to enhance the experience of place when visiting the historic village of Amiais, Sever do Vouga, Portugal and its surroundings.

LOCUS PROJECT aims to create a simulation of the village’s built environment and natural surroundings in the virtual world, and to further simulate the tech-assisted enhancement of the Amiais experience.

We have built a full simulation of Amiais, incorporating real data for accuracy in our representation. We have further created a layer of interactivity on the virtual territory, following the collaborative creation of a script for a track game. Non-playing characters and interactive objects guide and inform the visitors, encouraging them to explore the simulation and get to know the village’s unique legacy in culture and heritage.

LOCUS is co-funded by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, through National Funds (PTDC/COM-CSS/29228/2017), and by the European Regional Development Fund, framed in the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation – COMPETE 2020, under the new partnership agreement PT2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029228). For more information, please see (note: this domain name is temporarily down)